The tide is out
I'm going for a walk
in the park
'ternoon delight
With effective lobbying (all hands on deck) by our DOS Council, we can all share in this magnificent gift that has been placed at our town doorstep.
This is our heritage that IS worthwhile to preserve and protect for our enjoyment and for future generations ~ who do not have a say in the matter. R. U. N. ?

Leave early ~ no hurry ~ no worry ~ no fear
I will lobby DOS council to lower the speed limit to 40 km on all secondary streets within the Sooke town limits (up to Helgesen/Otter Pt Rd).
If more people are going to relocate to Sooke, we must insure that 'our little town' is safe for our children, pedestrians, cyclists and seniors.
In addition, the DOS will lobby the province to have the speed limit reduced to 30 km on Sooke Rd in the downtown core. Slowing down traffic will lower the risk of accidents and allow for a more relaxed, friendlier atmosphere for both locals and tourists; and a more leisurely, pleasant shopping/dining experience. R. U. N. ?
We've got a long way to go &
it takes a long time to get there
Until We Fix That Road!
Why is there a rush to develop Sooke by encouraging more people to move here...
And who bloody well wants it?
Can we limit our population growth to a balanced careful approach, rather than the present thrust to development?
Why would we choose to despoil the very character of our community that we all moved here for and have come to love?
Pro-growth in a rural setting does not augment community well-being –
it splinters it a part!
“Until we get that road fixed” let’s slow down our rate of growth and focus on the needs & welfare ‘within’ our community. R. U. N. ?
DOS should consider and encourage large landowners/ developers that wish to re-zone & subdivide in Sooke to build more truly affordable and enviro-friendly housing alternatives for residents who already live here:
young families with a ‘modest’ income
near retirement or 'downsizing’ seniors/pensioners
people w/disabilities
Tiny houses are a growing trend in
North America, marketed as more affordable, eco-friendly & sustainable
Local developers and the building trades will benefit 2-fold – first, from the new ‘housing stock’ & the gainful employment created and second, that they will be providing a ‘Made In Sooke’ kick-start housing solution that will be embraced by ‘all’ members of the community!
~ an idea that we should all get behind! ~ R. U. N. ?
Salmon Derby/BBQ & Music Festival
Sooke - Smoked Salmon Capital of Canada!
All Sooke Day...sadly...ceased to exist in 2003 after a 69 year run. The first one, held in 1934 was billed as a "Celebration of the Progress of Sooke".
I attended my first All Sooke Day in 1978 and over the years I was enthralled by the logging sports show; but the best part - the salmon BBQ (with potato salad). I'm taken aback every summer that this 'old time' Sooke tradition has never been revived.
The idea of reviving some parts of it, I believe would be whole-heartedly supported and attended by a lot of folk. We owe it to ourselves to remind us of what a great community we live in; and, lets make this a day ~ to honour all the volunteer organizations whose exceptional work enriches all of our lives ~ day in day out ~
Perhaps we could have a "Best Smoked Salmon" contest; and how about a region wide horseshoe tourney. Those would be some of my favourite choices. What would you like to see happen? R. U. N. ?