What have you got to lose?
Do you have fond memories of ~
~ why you moved to Sooke?
~ growing up in Sooke?
~ why you love Sooke?
The municipality of Sooke has become one of the fastest growing regions in British Columbia. The changing landscape of our picturesque seaside town with it's 'country character charm' is fast becoming a forgotten narrative.
Population growth and all of its attended and unintended burgeoning problems (ie. housing density, traffic congestion, livability) is inevitable - more people will still want to move here for most of the same reasons as we all (formerly) entertained. Sooke will change - like it...or not! Can we all at least join together to preserve some of the quality of life standards that we all have grown accustomed to and cherish on a daily/hourly basis?
Why Not Me?
This coming civic election will be about your 'sense of place' - where you live - how you'll get by and how you'll adapt to a FAST changing world that is knocking at your doorstep. We'll all have to make that decision (even if you don't vote) whether what we have now is worth hanging on to - and - what will be acceptable that is different from what we have now. Change is about - we'll all have a choice - and I have some choices for you all to consider.
The Elephants In The Room

Let me paraphase a few lines from the great Indian leader Gandhi
~ Every good campaign passes through five stages: indifference, ridicule, abuse, repression, and respect.
There is one central plank of my electoral campaign that I believe the electorate of Sooke should have the opportunity to consider - Are the majority of us in favour of creating a central-downtown-waterfront park that showcases the natural beauty of our home town - "the Heart of Sooke"! We have a golden opportunity to make that a reality - and for over five years (two DOS Councils) I have been advocating just that.
I have approached and made a concerted effort to make aware to most of our elected DOS councillors and municipal staff to take this incredible initiative to the next level - to look at the feasibility of it happening. In my opinion, the idea of this waterfront park (or at the very least the preservation of the viewscape) has been handled with indifference. And that is why I have chosen to run for mayor. I'm ready - to meet 'head on' the next four stages ~ and I do solemnly ask ~ will the majority of you join with me on this journey of hope? R. U. N. ?
Here's the plan
Here's the problem
Sooke’s ‘dreamer’ continues to tout seaside park
Please let your Sooke Council reps know your 'views' and ask them their's ~
Mayor Maja Tait,
Councillors -
Jeff Bateman,
Al Beddows,
Dana Lajeunesse,
Ebony Logins,
Megan McMath,
Tony St-Pierre,